Waltham Forest MPs refuse to support sewage sickness compensation scheme
Waltham Forest Liberal Democrats have slammed local MPs for not supporting a compensation scheme for swimmers who get sick from sewage.
Waltham Forest Liberal Democrats have slammed local MPs for not supporting a compensation scheme for swimmers who get sick from sewage.
Successive Conservative governments have made no effort to hide the fact that they are anti-immigration in all respects. I’ve watched in horror as the Conservatives have closed the door on people wanting to live and contribute to this country.
Last month, the Waltham Forest Liberal Democrats held an event examining the Prevent Duty, which aims to safeguard people in Britain from being radicalised.
Residents are angry over the Conservative Government’s failure to stop sewage dumping in local rivers. Official data shows that the Beech Hall Crescent sewer overflow discharged into the Ching Brook 61 times in 2022 and 116 times in 2021.
Every October, Black History Month gives us an opportunity to learn about the experiences and contributions of people of Caribbean and African descent to Britain, a history that is often absent from school textbooks and mainstream narratives.
With the evenings getting darker and the clocks soon to go back, it is becoming more and more obvious that there are broken streetlights that need fixing all over Higham Hill.