Safer Streets for All

Higham Hill has felt neglected and abandoned for far too long. Graffiti is left uncleaned, there are potholes everywhere, and fly-tipping blights our estates.
And what are our Labour councillors doing to help? One of them has just abandoned the area to try and become an MP. It shows how much they really cared.
Alex Lewis understands that grotty places make residents feel unsafe and can invite crime into an area.
Alex said, “As a resident of Higham Hill, I know the impact that crime can have on our community. Cheney Row Park, where my children play, is full of graffiti and the recent incidents involving guns and knives are unacceptable.”
“I want to take a proactive approach to fighting crime in our area. I have been out and about in our neighbourhood, flagging graffiti and other evidence of crime, and demanding the Council clean it up.”
"Please help me to take pride in our area by reporting any graffiti, vandalism or damage to so that I can try to get it fixed."